5 x 5 x 5

The professor cube or RUBIK'S PROFESSOR. A quite complicated variant of the mythical rubik cube, this time in the 5 x 5 version and all its models.

5 x 5 x 5 There are 12 products.

  • YJ 5X5 STICKERLESS, Quality cube at an irresistible price. Without stickers

  • QiYi Qizeng 5x5x5 Magic Cube is an cube with great quality from QiYi, one of the best manufacturers that have emerged during 2015. Specialized in their first models in stickerless versions, now they bring us an excellent 5x5 cube with stickers which makes it perfectly suitable for SpeedCubing.

    5.0 star rating 1 Review
  • The rubik cube 5 x 5 original of the Rubik's brand "Revenge of the teacher", one of the more complicated variations of rubik's cube.

  • The V-Cube 5x5 Professor cube with white base is one of the most complicated versions of the V-cube.

    5.0 star rating 2 Reviews
  • The V-Cube 5x5 Professor cube with black base is one of the most complicated versions of the V-cube.

    5.0 star rating 2 Reviews
  • Magic Cube Double Mirror Sieames 3x3x5 is an incredible modified version of Cube Mirror 3x3 that generates a 3D puzzle with asymmetrical rectangular shapes. There are 2 mirrored cubes, Mirror silver and Mirror gold.

    5.0 star rating 1 Review
  • ShengShou Mastermorphix Pyramorphix Stickerless is a pyramid with more combinations than the standard Pyraminx. Pillowed surface and 4-color stickerless.

    5.0 star rating 1 Review
  • YJ MGC 5X5, Cubes in MAGNETIC version, high range and very good value for money. Handy and easy to hold. This makes a better result in the practice of speed cubing. You have it in version : Stickerless

    5.0 star rating 1 Review
  • MOYU MEILONG 5X5 M, magnetic version Moyu creates a magnetic cube at a very affordable price, for those who want to enter the world of speedcube without making a large financial outlay. Stickerless version

    4.8 star rating 4 Reviews
  • MOYU MEILONG PYRAMINX M , magnetic version Moyu creates a magnetic pyramid at a very economical price, for those who want to enter the world of speedcube without making a large economic outlay. Stickerless version

  • MOYU MEILONG MEGAMINX M , magnetic version Moyu creates a magnetic MEGAMINX at a very economical price, for those who want to enter the world of speedcube without making a large economic outlay. Stickerless version

  • QIYI's new high quality magnetic 5x5 from the MP series. Very smooth and stable turns.