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MASTERMORPHIX 10x10 SENGSO is a mastermorphix pyramid, one of the first, in 10x10 version
A 10x10 in the shape of a rounded tetrahedron.
No stickers as it is stickerless
ShengShou Mastermorphix Stickerless 10x10, is a pyramid with more combinations than the standard Pyraminx that will drive you crazy with all shapes and combinations.
ShengShou Mastermorphix colours with a rounded surface that generates interesting shapes when turned.
Don't miss this opportunity to get this fantastic new and awaited version of the Mastermorphix.
Dimensions : 110 ×110 ×118 mm
Weight: 425 gr
An exciting challenge! Add it to your collection and Be a Genius !!!! with Maskecubos.com